BoDark Farm is located in South Central Kansas between Augusta and El Dorado. We have many varieties of produce available. We love to grow unusual vegetables and lesser known varieties of common vegetables and herbs.

We raise chickens and have available farm fresh eggs from our heritage flock that is 100% free-ranged. Or, start your own egg laying flock with chicks or young pullets. Chicks are available between April and November, while point of lay pullets are ready late July through December.

In addition to chicken, we raise lamb. Our sheep are 100% grass-fed from April to November, and from December through March, are fed organic prairie hay cut from our pasture, as well as continuing to have access to graze. We practice rotational grazing via portable electric fence, in order to control/eliminate parasites and avoid the use of chemical dewormers. The sheep are not routinely dosed with prophylactic antibiotics or hormones. Lambs are raised on their mother’s milk until the day they go to the locker, which produces a tastier meat than those weaned young. Lamb is available as a half or a whole, delivered to your choice of Whitewater Meat Locker or Walnut Valley Packing in El Dorado. The locker will call you to specify how you want your steaks, roasts and ground lamb packaged (for example, thickness and number of steaks per package).

We do also have a limited number of lambs available for those wishing to start their own flocks. Please contact us to discuss details about breed, age and gender!

For milk, we raise grass-fed Jersey cows and Oberhasli dairy goats. As with our other ventures, we raise them as naturally as possible, allowing them to nurse their calves/kids until weaning. We do not use chemical dewormers, antibiotics or hormones, and the milk is raw, filtered, non-homogenized and unpasteurized. The cow milk is tested to contain the A2 protein. Many people who believe they can’t consume dairy products due to lactose intolerance, are actually intolerant of the A1 protein that dominates the commercial dairy market and are able to drink A2 milk without issue.

We love raising our food and providing our neighbors with fresh, natural, and affordable foods as well. We’d love to hear from you!